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Sonrise Church 2022

Sonrise Church
2805 Boulevard Road - Olympia, Washington
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Start Your Spiritual Journey
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Online

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Please arrive 10 minutes before service time to allow
for seating.

Discover the difference for yourself

Sonrise Online Services, Music, Lessons, Information
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Our Vision

Visitors Always Welcome
Planning Your Visit
So you’ve heard about Sonrise, and you are a little curious. Going to a new place can be intimidating and scary. How will I know where to park?  What do I wear? We’ve asked those questions too. Please know we will make every effort to make sure your first experience is worry free. We look forward to hanging out with you and becoming friends.
Sonrise Church is a healthy Christian Church with strong Biblical roots. Sonrise welcomes visitors and from the moment you arrive you will discover the warmth and openness of this fellowship. Click on the FIRST TIME HERE button to discover what to expect. Stop by any Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and discover for yourself the experience which is Sonrise Church.
(c) 2019-2024 Sonrise Church - Olympia WA
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