Leadership TEAM - Sonrise Church 2022

Sonrise Church
2805 Boulevard Road - Olympia, Washington
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Leadership TEAM

Leadership TEAM

The Leadership of Sonrise Church consists of six members: five elected from the congregation and the Senior Pastor.

The current Leadership TEAM members are:
Bob Highlands - Pastor
Richard Norrell
Paul Webb - Vice Chair
Dennis Pulsipher - Treasurer
Pat Wright
Billie Stuart -Chair

Leadership TEAM
Fiscal Matters

Building care and budgets are an important part of a successful church ministry. The Leadership TEAM is tasked with watching over these matters for the church.
Leadership TEAM
Spiritual Matters

The Leadership TEAM is responsible to work to develope and promote spiritual growth of the church members and outreach to our local community.  
Leadership TEAM
Long range Goals

Planning and developing the growth and outreach of the church to fulfill the directions given by Christ is a key part of their monthly meetings.
Leadership TEAM
Servant Leaders

The greatest requirement of each member of the Leadership TEAM is to be a dedicated born again believer in Christ Jesus.
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(c) 2019-2024 Sonrise Church - Olympia WA
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