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A Recipe For LIfe
The three key ingredients to BAKE or make a complete Christian life.
SNAPshot Journaling intro
Lesson Video
SNAPshot Journaling SUNDAY Edition
Lesson Video on how to do
your Sunday SANPshot journal.
SNAPshot Journaling FRIDAY Edition
Lesson Video on how to do
your daily SANPshot journal.
↓2020 Series Messages in order by Date↓
What does it take to have a successful devotional life? This message is an infomercial detailing the background behind the Seeking Jesus study series. The series is designed to take the individual through all the teachings and events in the life of Jesus. Using a chronological approach the series allows you to take a deep look at the life of Jesus. Based on the TWENTY-MILE March principle you will be able to have a successful personal, daily Journaling/Devotional experience in the coming year. This introductory message will lay out the full year's course and set you up for success. Discover how the race to the south pole in 1911 can inspire you to victory in your personal spiritual life this coming year.
Why are there four Gospels? Pastor Bob looks at the four Gospels and why God put them there for us. He will have you taking a close look at your personality and why you do many of the things you do. Are you a Lion, an Otter, a Beaver, or are you a Golden Retriever? Which Gospel best speaks to your personality? God knows you better than you know yourself so take time to discover the reason God put four Gospels in the Bible and which one was written just for you.
Why is there so much conflict surrounding Jesus in the Gospels? There are two bridges in the Bible that intersect at the life of Jesus. The one bridge, or covenant, was established through Moses and was based on 613 rules. According to Romans 3.20, its main purpose was to point out sin, but the Pharisees and the Sadducees had made it into something else. For them, it was control over the people. The second bridge, or covenant, would be established by Jesus with His sacrifice on the cross. This bridge went from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven. Discover how these two bridges were the source of all the conflict in the life of Jesus and why you need to know the difference if you are going to understand the conflict in the New Testament gospels.
What can you learn from a twelve year old? The answer is a lot, especially when that twelve year old is Jesus. Discover the foundation of spiritual growth as Pastor Bob looks at the childhood of Jesus and shows us how to copy life precepts from Jesus. Take a few moments to examine your life and see if you are growing spiritually and if you might need to make some changes.
Do religious People need Jesus?
Discovering the truth concerning the church, sinners and Jesus.
A Foundational Teaching of Jesus
Why does the church violate this principal and hurt themselves so much?
This simple truth explained and a word of caution to anyone who denies that 'JESUS IS GOD.'
Distracted Living
You can live a more successful life by discovering the secret to success.
The Higher Standards & Deeper Spiritual Life of the Christian Believer
Discover the difference between minimum standards and Christian standards.
A Recipe For LIfe
The three key ingredients to BAKE or make a complete Christian life.
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